Thursday, December 7, 2023

University of Nevada, Las Vegas mass shooting, December 6, 2023+ Route 91 Harvest Festival shooting déjà vu

Down = 56; Three = 56; *Society of Jesus = 56

Another shooting on a Wednesday?

Gun Fire = 44 / 37
-Kill = 44
-Execution = 44

Adding insult to injury, the shooting came a span of 37-days after the state's birthday, or 36-days after, and Nevada is the 36th state in order of statehood.

And in light of Nevada being the 36th state in order of statehood, and this shooting coming 36-days after the state's birthday. Notice this shooting came 6 years and 66 days, after the Route 91 Harvest Festival shooting, a lot like the number 666, which is the 36th triangular number.

322 months? Think about the secret society, Skull and Bones, which identifies by the number 322.

Ancient Mystery Religions = 322
-Genesis 3:22

And the 74th months is no shy number either. *Killing = 74; Active Shooter = 74; Masonic = 74

The title 'University of Nevada, Las Vegas' connects to 'shooting'.


Mass Shooter = 44
Shooting = 44

This shooting also comes on a date with 61 numerology, going with Joe Lombardo being 61 years old at the time of this.

12/6/2023 = 12+6+20+23 = 61

61, 18th prime; IHS = 18

It also goes with Nevada's birthday being on Halloween, October 31, the day leaving 61 days left in the year as well.

UPDATE: They are saying the shooter is a 67 year old, Anthony Polito.

White Powder = 151 / 52
151, 36th prime number
-Nevada, the 36th state in order of statehood
-Government = 52
-Authority = 52
-White House = 52
-Kabbalah = 52
-Gematria = 52

ALSO, this shooting comes 67-days before Super Bowl 58, and the Vegas Raiders will be hosting the Super Bowl.

Read about the Stockton serial killer ritual and all about 67 here:

It is also not an accident, notice the killer's name 'Anthony Polito', equates to 67.

Killer = 67
Satanic = 67


Triangle = 86; Symbol = 86; Pyramid = 86; Eye of Providence = 86

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The death of Soulja Slim, November 26, 2003+ Master P and Juvenile parralels

James Adarryl Tapp Jr. = 73 *Sacrifice = 73 *Ritual Sacrifice = 73       First, he died at age 26, on the 26th of the month. * Kill = 26; Ma...