Tuesday, February 14, 2023

WWE wrestler and founder of AEW, Jerry Jarrett, dies at age 80, February 14, 2023


Notice he rose to fame in '77 along with Jerry Lawler, and now he is dead 77-days after his birthday.

He is dead exactly 163-days after his 80th birthday.

163, the 38th prime; Death = 4+5+1+20+8 = 38.

Read more about the death of Lanny Poffo, the brother of Randy Savage, who died on Vince McMahon's 163rd day of his age.

Keep in mind he is the father of the wrestler, Jeff Jarrett, and this death comes on his 216th day of his age.

-6x6x6 = 216

-Church of Satan = 56; Society of Jesus = 56

Also noteworthy, this wrestler is dead exactly 174-days after Vince McMahon's 77th birthday.

-666, the number of the beast

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